Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts, M.F.A. 2004

Yale University, B.A. Cum Laude with Distinction in Art


Summer 2005 All Things Being Equal, Wave Hill, Bronx NY.


Sprawl, Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
Site 92, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

Slow Revolution, Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Emerge Seven, Aljira, A Center for Contemporary Art, Newark, NJ
New Jersey1s Changing Face, Montgomery Center for the Arts, Skillman, NJ

January 2005 Weird New Jersey, HERE Art Center, New York, NY.

January 2004 Tell Me a Story of a World Without Words, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ.

May 1998-2002 Brooklyn Working Artist Coalition's Pier Show, Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY.

September 1997 New England Artists Congress Exhibit, Sugar River Savings Bank, Newport NH.

November 1996 New Directions: Emerging Artists from New York, University of the South, Sewanee TN.


Bake Sale, Brooklyn, NY, November 2003. Interactive project in which participants “purchased” home-made baked goods in exchange for a promise to mail the artist something home-made in exchange.

Brooklyn Incorporated, Brooklyn, NY, May 2001. A community portraiture project, in which individuals traded personal information for a drawn portrait. Traced copies of portraits were overlaid with personal information on site, creating an accumulation of images and data depicting community participants.

You Just Feel Free, Brooklyn, NY, Summer 2001. Collaborative mural in a community garden designed and created by 50 gardeners and neighborhood youth. Commissioned by the Pratt Area Community Council and the Brooklyn Arts Council.

Cantastoria, Plymouth, England, August 1999. Site-specific community-based visual art/performance collaboration with theater artist Amy Rose and 20 residents of Plymouth; commissioned by the UK National Street Arts Festival.

Sunapee Street, Newport, NH, Spring 1998. Site-specific collaborative community project in Newport, NH, describing the changing face of a neighborhood which once housed the town’s diverse immigrant population. Created in collaboration with 75 Newport residents. Commissioned by the Economic Corporation of Newport.


Brooklyn Arts Council, Brooklyn NY 2000, 2001

Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, CO. Scholarship Award, Summer 1996

Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY. Scholarship Award, Summer 1989