The Lofts at Smack Mellon, 2008
The Lofts at Smack Mellon sites miniature condominium developments in
small available spaces within Smack Mellon1s waterfront gallery as part
of the 2008 Site 92 exhibition. The small buildings, constructed from
photographs of actual developments in DUMBO and neighboring areas of Brooklyn,
turn up along high ledges, at the top of drywall structures, and on protrusions
metal columns. The project juxtaposes the industrial history of 92 Plymouth
Street, evident in its raw cement and iron construction, with the
could-be-anywhere glossy architecture of the new condominiums. This
miniature contrast stands in for the larger cultural and economic changes
DUMBO and beyond, as industrial neighborhoods are gentrified, often by
artists. By locating the mini-developments in small, strange spaces in
gallery, the project points to the rapacious pace of residential development
in Brooklyn, and plays with the tendency of these new structures to occupy
every nook of available space.